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How To Download Third Age Total War Reforged

Third National Government
Flag of New Zealand.svg
Ministries of New Zealand
New Zealand Cabinet, 1981.jpg

Queen Elizabeth Two and the 1981 New Zealand Cabinet

Date formed 12 December 1975
Date dissolved 26 July 1984
People and organisations
Monarch Elizabeth Ii
Prime number Minister Robert Muldoon (1975–1984)
Deputy Prime Minister Brian Talboys (1975–1981)
Duncan MacIntyre (1981–1984)
Jim McLay (1984)
Member political party National Political party
Opposition party Labour Party
Opposition leader
  • Bill Rowling (1975–1983)
  • David Lange (1983–1984)
  • 1975 general ballot
  • 1978 full general election
  • 1981 general election
Predecessor Third Labour Regime of New Zealand
Successor Fourth Labour Government of New Zealand

The Third National Government of New Zealand (also known as the Muldoon Regime) was the government of New Zealand from 1975 to 1984. It was an economically conservative government that aimed to preserve the Keynesian economic system established by the Kickoff Labour government and was likewise socially conservative. Throughout its three terms it was led by Robert Muldoon, a populist but antagonistic politician who was sometimes described as the National Political party's all-time asset and worst liability.

Significant policies [edit]

By 1975, New Zealand had a generous welfare organisation, which included unemployment and sickness benefits, a do good for unmarried parents (the DPB) and a means tested old-age alimony from the normal retirement age of 60 plus a Universal alimony from 65 years.

The third National government scrapped Labour's contributory scheme and introduced National Superannuation, a non-means tested pension bachelor to all New Zealand citizens over the age of 60, linked to the average wage (initially 70% with the intention of increasing information technology to 80%). This was enormously expensive, costing NZ$2.five billion per annum by 1984,[i] only nevertheless far more popular than Labour's alternative of a Singaporean Fundamental Provident Fund-style gear up of individualised compulsory savings.

Economic policy [edit]

The regime continued the more often than not interventionist economic policies of previous governments in New Zealand. Although at that place was some pressure level on Prime Minister and Finance Government minister Robert Muldoon to take steps towards liberalising the economy, he was reluctant to do then as he felt that such moves would hurt ordinary New Zealanders. Such steps towards liberalisation fabricated during this government's term were mostly the initiatives of other politicians.

In 1980, the regime launched the Recollect Large programme of large-calibration industrial projects, mainly based around free energy projects, to reduce New Zealand'south dependence on foreign energy. This was a response to the oil shocks (1973 and 1979) of the 1970s, which dramatically raised the price of oil. Cabinet Minister Derek Quigley publicly criticised the Think Big policy and was demoted from Cabinet.

The command of inflation was an important goal for Muldoon, who e'er aimed to uphold the living standards of working and heart grade New Zealanders. There was a loftier level of inflation worldwide in the 1970s and 1980s, leading Muldoon to intervene more and more dramatically in the economic system. This interventionist policy culminated in the wage and price freeze of the early 1980s, and Muldoon's refusal to devalue the New Zealand dollar in 1984, which led to the New Zealand ramble crisis.

The regime pursued a limited number of liberalisation policies. In 1982 the country transport sector was deregulated, which allowed the restructuring of the New Zealand Railways Corporation subsequently in the decade. The Closer Economical Relations complimentary merchandise agreement with Australia was signed in 1983.


1976 saw the phasing out of commodity subsidies and entitlement to the Additional Benefit.[2] In 1976, the administration of many benefits, such as unemployment, sickness and the Domestic Purposes Benefit, was tightened up.[2] Income exemptions, which the 3rd Labour Government had abolished and replaced with tax rebates, were reintroduced.[2]

In 1977, the family assist taxation rebate was significantly extended. Equally note by Brian Easton, the tax relief for a young family "could be upwards to $13 a week more for a husband without children, on the aforementioned income." In add-on, full relief was available to families whose head "was on upwardly to x per cent higher up average earnings."[2] The top income limit of the now $nine full rebate was increased to $150 a week, and a further $four a week tax rebate for all single-income families with a child under the age of ten was introduced (it was reduced if the spouse's income exceeded $20 a week). Likewise, as noted past Brian Easton, there was at present a tiering of family assistance, with families with children under the age of five "receiving up to $13 a calendar week, and those with a youngest child between v and x receiving upwardly to $4 a calendar week."[ii]

The Disabled Person's Community Welfare Act (introduced in 1975 under the Tertiary Labour government) was further implemented in 1978, including a non-taxable $eight a week assart for parents supporting physically or mentally handicapped children.[2] The bones family assistance tax structure was maintained in the 1978 budget, with the eligibility age of the youngest children increased to 11 years, the single-income family rebate raised to $5 per week, and the young-family rebate raised to $9 per calendar week.[two] A new income-tax calibration was introduced, with the principal aim being switching income from low-income recipients (who were normally supplementary earners) to main earners.[2] A new income-tax calibration (and higher rebates) was introduced in 1978, which transferred income to chief earners, such every bit mothers who worked role-time. The purpose of this change was to increase the income of one-earner families relative to one-and-a-scrap earner families.[2]

In 1979, the period of absence from New Zealand during which eligibility for National Superannuation was retained was lowered to 3 months.[2] Eligibility for the Additional benefit was extended to national superannuitants (1979).[2] Equal eligibility for the unemployment benefit was introduced for married men and women.[2] In the 1979 upkeep, the level of the national superannuation benefit for a married couple was lowered from a earlier-tax fourscore% of the before-revenue enhancement average earnings to an after-revenue enhancement 80% of the after-tax average earnings. Due to the progressive tax structure, this lowered the effective level of the do good from 87% of later-revenue enhancement average earnings to 80.%[2] The 1979 budget reduced the effective levels of National Superannuation, the unemployment benefits for childless persons, and the additional benefit. However, social security spending increased by more than the expected charge per unit of inflation, the family benefit was doubled, supplements to beneficiaries with children were increased, and the boosted benefit was restructured.[ii]

Ramble [edit]

The tertiary National authorities introduced a Seal of New Zealand Human activity 1977, the Chiffonier Manual and a new Letters Patent in 1983.

National identity [edit]

Waitangi Twenty-four hours [edit]

The government renamed New Zealand Day, established past the previous Third Labour Authorities, dorsum to Waitangi Day in 1976 with the second Waitangi Twenty-four hours Act.

New Zealand Citizenship [edit]

When the Treaty of Waitangi fabricated New Zealand a part of the British Empire, everyone born in New Zealand (regardless of race) became British citizens. Following New Zealand'south adoption of the Statute of Westminster in the late 1940s, New Zealand citizenship was introduced, simply in practice there was no existent difference between New Zealand and British citizens (The term "British" was not dropped from New Zealand-issued passports until 1977). In the 1970s, United kingdom reacted to what was seen as excessive non-white migration from the Republic past restricting migration from all Commonwealth countries.[three] In response, New Zealand passed the Citizenship Act 1977, establishing completely separate citizenship, and British citizens began to exist treated every bit legal aliens for the first time.[4]

In the early 1980s at that place was too controversy over the citizenship status of Western Samoans. Western Samoa had been administered by New Zealand until its independence in 1962. Withal, Samoans – even those built-in under New Zealand rule – had no preferential access to New Zealand. This was challenged in the case of Lesa v The Chaser-Full general of New Zealand. Falema'i Lesa, a Samoan born in Samoa prior to independence, wanted to merits New Zealand citizenship under the Citizenship Act 1977. In July 1982 the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council held that Lesa (and by extension all other Samoans born prior to 1962) could apply for New Zealand citizenship. In response, the Citizenship (Western Samoa) Act 1982 was passed, and granted New Zealand citizenship to all Samoans living in New Zealand at that time, and a quota organisation for new arrivals was established.[v]

National canticle [edit]

In 1977, and partially as a result of a petition presented to parliament the previous year, God Defend New Zealand was made New Zealand's national anthem, equal with God Save the Queen.

Immigration [edit]

Robert Muldoon continued his Labour predecessor Prime Minister Norman Kirk's policy of arresting and deporting Pacific Islander overstayers which had begun in 1974.[6] Since the 1950s, the New Zealand regime had encouraged substantial emigration from several Pacific countries including Samoa, Tonga, and Fiji to fill up a labour shortage acquired past the post–state of war economic blast. Consequently, the Pacific Islander population in New Zealand had grown to 45,413 by 1971, with a substantial number overstaying their visas.[7] The economic crisis of the early 1970s led to increased crime, unemployment and other social ailments, which disproportionately affected the Pacific Islander community.[8]

In July 1974, Muldoon equally opposition leader had promised to cut clearing and to "go tough" on law and society bug. He criticized the Labour government'due south clearing policies for contributing to the economical recession and a housing shortage which undermined the New Zealand "style of life." During the 1975 general elections, the National Political party had likewise played a controversial electoral advertisement that was after criticized for stoking negative racial sentiments about Polynesian migrants.[ix] Muldoon's government accelerated the Kirk government'southward constabulary raids against Pacific overstayers. These operations involved special police squads conducting dawn raids on the homes of overstayers throughout New Zealand. Overstayers and their families were frequently deported back to their countries.[ten] [xi]

The Dawn Raids were widely condemned by different sections of New Zealand society including the Pacific Islander and Māori communities, church building groups, employers and workers' unions, anti-racist groups, and the opposition Labour Party. The raids were likewise criticized past elements of the New Zealand Law and the ruling National Political party for damaging race relations with the Pacific Isle community.[12] Critics also alleged that the Dawn Raids unfairly targeted Pacific Islanders since Pacific Islanders only comprised i-third of the overstayers merely made upward 86% of those arrested and prosecuted for overstaying. The majority of overstayers were from Great U.k., Australia, and South Africa.[ten] The Muldoon government'due south treatment of overstayers also damaged relations with Pacific countries similar Samoa and Tonga, and generated criticism from the Due south Pacific Forum. By 1979, the Muldoon government terminated the Dawn Raids since the deportation of illegal Pacific overstayers had failed to alleviate the bilious New Zealand economy.[10]

Treaty of Waitangi and Māori policy [edit]

In 1977, Ngati Whatua Māori occupied Bastion Point on the Waitematā Harbour, Auckland, in protest at the lack of settlement with the authorities under the Treaty of Waitangi for their claim to the land. The occupation was concluded by New Zealand Army and Police units.

Foreign Affairs [edit]

Throughout the 1970s, the Republic of South Africa became increasingly unpopular for its racist apartheid policies. The third Labour government had blocked a proposed tour by the South African Springbok rugby team, simply this had been opposed by many New Zealanders, who felt sport and politics should not mix. The third National government renewed sporting ties with South Africa, which resulted in many countries criticising New Zealand, and caused 28 African countries to cold-shoulder the 1976 Summertime Olympics in protest at New Zealand's participation. Following this, Muldoon signed the Gleneagles Agreement stating that governments would take steps to prevent sporting contact with South Africa. Despite this, he refused to prevent the New Zealand Rugby Football Matrimony from organising a tour by the Springboks in 1981. The 1981 Springbok Tour was marked by mass protest and violence from police force, protesters and tour supporters.

The regime supported Britain in the Falklands State of war, although New Zealand did non participate in information technology. However diplomatic ties with Argentine republic were cut and New Zealand loaned HMNZS Canterbury to Great britain for service in the Indian Ocean to free up HMS Amazon for action in the Falklands.[13]

The Closer Economical Relations free trade agreement with Commonwealth of australia was signed in 1983.

Germination [edit]

The 1975 election was widely seen as a contest of personalities: Labour Prime Minister Bill Rowling vs National Party leader Robert Muldoon. The Labour government initially felt that this would be to their advantage, as Muldoon had an abrasive style which many New Zealanders found distasteful. Consequently, Labour organised a 'Citizens for Rowling' organisation of prominent New Zealanders which, despite its proper name, focussed primarily on attacking Muldoon. This backfired on Labour, partly because many people disliked being told how to vote and partly because many voters liked Muldoon's populist style. A group named 'Rob'due south Mob' was formed to support him.

Labour was not helped by Rowling'southward inexperience. He had taken office just one year previously, following the death of the immensely popular Norman Kirk. Compared to both Kirk and Muldoon, Rowling lacked charisma and was widely portrayed as weak and ineffective in the media.

National won the election with 47.half dozen% of the vote and 55 out of 87 seats, giving it a 23-seat majority. Labour retained 32 seats. Pocket-sized parties Social Credit and Values both slightly increased their percentage of votes cast, but neither won any seats. The distribution of seats was the verbal opposite of that following the 1972 ballot.

The 1978 election [edit]

By 1978 Muldoon's combative style had get less appealing to voters, and Rowling consequently seemed a more bonny option than in 1975. National'due south share of the popular vote slumped from 47.6% in 1975 to 39.8%, slightly less than Labour'south share. However this was not reflected in the number of seats won – National retained 51 seats, Labour won 40, and Social Credit re-entered parliament with 1 seat, despite winning xvi.i% of the popular vote.[ citation needed ]

The 1981 election [edit]

A fundamental issue in this election was the 1981 Springbok Bout. The tour of apartheid-era South Africa'south rugby marriage team was opposed past many New Zealanders, who believed that it gave support to apartheid. Still it was supported by many others, who believed that politics and sport should exist divide. Muldoon had refused to make the New Zealand Rugby Football Matrimony phone call off the tour, while the Labour opposition had actively opposed it. Muldoon gambled that while the Tour would cost him votes in the cities, these would be mostly in Labour-supporting seats while swinging voters in smaller towns such as Taupo would back up his stance. It has recently been argued[ where? ] [ when? ] [ by whom? ] that had New Zealand been defeated in the Bout, National would accept lost the election.

The 1981 election was one which exposed the problems of New Zealand'southward Showtime Past the Post electoral organization. The Social Credit Party received 20.six% of votes cast, merely just 2 seats. Perhaps more damningly, Labour won slightly more votes than National, but four fewer seats. This was the 2d election in a row in which this had happened, and contributed to New Zealand'southward switch to the proportional representation balloter system Mixed Member Proportional (MMP) in the 1990s.

The ballot left National with a majority of simply one seat, a state of affairs which was to cause information technology major problems in its tertiary term.

1984 ballot and defeat [edit]

With a majority of only one, National's concur on power was ever precarious. Its situation was fabricated more hard past the presence of several 'rogue MPs', including Marilyn Waring and Mike Minogue, who were openly dissatisfied with Muldoon and with the regime'south performance. For Muldoon, the final straw came when Waring appear she would support the Labour opposition's nuclear-free bill. On the night of 14 July 1984, Muldoon announced a snap election. In television footage of his announcement, he appears to be very drunk; however it is possible that his slurring may have had a partially or completely medical caption.

In the pb upwards to the election, Muldoon grew increasingly unfavourable with voters for a number of reasons. The New Zealand public had go tired of the regime's imposition of economic controls and restrictions and the government's unwillingness to reverberate the increasingly liberal sentiment of the people. Furthermore, Muldoon's combative style during campaigning and additionally the fact that he had been in power for nine years likewise deterred some voters. National's position was farther weakened with the germination of the New Zealand Party, led by maverick holding programmer Bob Jones. The New Zealand Political party supported costless markets and a less paternalistic arroyo to governance – principles that many perceived to align closer to National's founding policy platform. As a result, the right-fly vote was 'split' as many of The New Zealand Political party voters were likely taken from the National back up base. National'due south loss in support can also be attributed to a generational shift of New Zealand voters and the desire for alter in authorities. The contrast between the older, more cynical and ill-tempered Muldoon compared to the youthful, witty David Lange who led the Labour Political party, further hindered National'south chances of re-ballot.

National lost x seats, while the New Zealand Party won 12.ii% of the vote but no seats. Social Credit'south share of seats remained unchanged at two. The Labour Party became the Fourth Labour authorities with 56 seats and a comfortable bulk of 17.

Election results [edit]

Election Parliament Seats Total votes Per centum Gain (loss) Seats won Change Majority
1975 38th 87 763,136 47.59% +vi.09% 55 +23 23
1978 39th 92 680,991 39.82% -7.77% 51 -4 10
1981 40th 92 698,508 38.77% -1.05% 47 -4 1
1984 41st 95 692,494 35.89% -2.88% 37 -10 -

Prime Minister [edit]

Robert Muldoon was Prime Minister for all three terms of the Tertiary National government, from 12 Dec 1975 to 26 July 1984.[ citation needed ]

Cabinet ministers [edit]

Portfolio Government minister Start End
Prime Minister Robert Muldoon 12 December 1975 26 July 1984
Deputy Prime Minister Brian Talboys 12 Dec 1975 four March 1981
Duncan MacIntyre four March 1981 fifteen March 1984
Jim McLay 15 March 1984 26 July 1984
Minister of Agriculture Duncan MacIntyre 12 December 1975 26 July 1984
Attorney-General Peter Wilkinson 12 December 1975 13 December 1978
Jim McLay thirteen December 1978 26 July 1984
Minister of Broadcasting Hugh Templeton 12 Dec 1975 12 Feb 1981
Warren Cooper 12 February 1981 11 Dec 1981
Ian Shearer eleven Dec 1981 26 July 1984
Minister of Civil Defence Allan Highet 12 December 1975 26 July 1984
Minister of Community Peter Wilkinson 12 December 1975 13 Dec 1978
Hugh Templeton 13 Dec 1978 15 June 1982
Keith Allen 15 June 1982 26 July 1984
Minister of Defence Allan McCready 12 December 1975 thirteen Dec 1978
Frank Gill 13 December 1978 21 August 1980
David Thomson 21 August 1980 26 July 1984
Minister of Pedagogy Les Gandar 12 December 1975 13 December 1978
Merv Wellington 13 December 1978 26 July 1984
Minister of Free energy Eric Kingdom of the netherlands 12 Dec 1975 8 March 1977
George Gair 8 March 1977 thirteen December 1978
Neb Birch 13 December 1978 26 July 1984
Minister for the Environment Venn Immature 12 Dec 1975 12 February 1981
David Thomson 12 February 1981 26 July 1984
Minister of Finance Robert Muldoon 12 December 1975 26 July 1984
Minister of Foreign Affairs Brian Talboys 12 December 1975 eleven December 1981
Warren Cooper 11 Dec 1981 26 July 1984
Government minister of Forestry Venn Young 12 December 1975 11 December 1981
Jonathan Elworthy xi December 1981 26 July 1984
Minister of Wellness Frank Gill 12 December 1975 13 December 1978
George Gair 13 December 1978 11 Dec 1981
Aussie Malcolm xi December 1981 26 July 1984
Government minister of Housing George Gair 12 December 1975 8 March 1977
Eric Holland 8 March 1977 13 Dec 1978
Derek Quigley xiii Dec 1978 15 June 1982
Tony Friedlander 15 June 1982 26 July 1984
Minister of Immigration Frank Gill 12 December 1975 13 December 1978
Jim Bolger 13 December 1978 12 February 1981
Aussie Malcolm 12 February 1981 26 July 1984
Minister of Internal Affairs Allan Highet 12 Dec 1975 26 July 1984
Minister of Justice David Thomson 12 Dec 1975 13 December 1978
Jim McLay 13 December 1978 26 July 1984
Minister of Labour Peter Gordon 12 December 1975 13 Dec 1978
Jim Bolger thirteen December 1978 26 July 1984
Minister of Local Regime Allan Highet 12 December 1975 26 July 1984
Minister of Maori Diplomacy Duncan MacIntyre 12 December 1975 13 December 1978
Ben Burrow thirteen Dec 1978 26 July 1984
Minister of Mines Eric Holland 12 Dec 1975 8 March 1977
George Gair eight March 1977 6 Oct 1977
Minister of Overseas Trade Brian Talboys 12 Dec 1975 eleven December 1981
Warren Cooper xi December 1981 26 July 1984
Minister of Constabulary Allan McCready 12 December 1975 13 Dec 1978
Frank Gill xiii December 1978 21 Baronial 1980
Ben Couch 21 August 1980 26 July 1984
Postmaster-General Hugh Templeton 12 December 1975 8 March 1977
Peter Wilkinson 8 March 1977 13 December 1978
Ben Couch 13 December 1978 22 August 1980
Warren Cooper 22 Baronial 1980 11 December 1981
John Falloon 11 December 1981 19 February 1982
Rob Talbot 19 Feb 1982 26 July 1984
Minister of Railways Colin McLachlan 12 December 1975 11 December 1981
George Gair xi Dec 1981 26 July 1984
Minister for Social Welfare Bert Walker 12 December 1975 thirteen December 1978
George Gair 13 December 1978 12 February 1981
Venn Young 12 February 1981 26 July 1984
Minister for Sport and Recreation Allan Highet 12 December 1975 26 July 1984
Government minister of Statistics Peter Wilkinson 25 April 1975 8 March 1977
Hugh Templeton 8 March 1977 xi Dec 1981
John Falloon eleven December 1981 26 July 1984
Government minister of Tourism Harry Lapwood 12 December 1975 13 December 1978
Warren Cooper 13 December 1978 12 Feb 1981
Derek Quigley 12 Feb 1981 xi December 1981
Rob Talbot 11 December 1981 26 July 1984
Minister of Merchandise and Industry Lance Adams-Schneider 12 December 1975 11 December 1981
Hugh Templeton xi December 1981 26 July 1984
Minister of Transport Colin McLachlan 12 December 1975 11 December 1981
George Gair xi Dec 1981 26 July 1984
Minister of Works Nib Young 12 December 1975 11 Dec 1981
Derek Quigley 11 December 1981 15 June 1982
Tony Friedlander 15 June 1982 26 July 1984

Meet also [edit]

  • Governments of New Zealand
  • New Zealand National Party

References [edit]

  1. ^ Belich, James (2001). Paradise Reforged: A History of the New Zealanders from the 1880s to the Year 2000.
  2. ^ a b c d e f grand h i j thousand l m northward Brian Easton (1981). Pragmatism and Progress: Social Security in the Seventies. Christchurch: University of Canterbury. ISBN0900392282.
  3. ^ Contrary to popular conventionalities, these changes were not made because Britain had joined the European Economical Community, but in response to increasing non-white immigration from 'new Commonwealth' countries such equally India and Jamaica. Pearson, David (2005), 'Citizenship, Identity and Belonging: Addressing the Mythologies of the Unitary Nation-Country in Aotearoa/New Zealand', in James H. Liu, Tim McCreanor, Tracey McIntosh and Teresia Teaiwa, eds, New Zealand Identities: Departures and Destinations, Wellington, pp. 28–9; Karatani, Rieko (2003), Defining British Citizenship: Empire, Republic and Modern Britain, London, pp. 164–six.
  4. ^ Pearson, pp. 28–nine.
  5. ^ Anae, Misatauveve Melani (25 March 2015). "Samoans – History and migration". Te Ara – the Encyclopedia of New Zealand . Retrieved 28 September 2017.
  6. ^ Anae 2012, pp. 227–230.
  7. ^ Parker 2005, p. 28–29.
  8. ^ Parker 2005, p. 64-65.
  9. ^ National Party advertisement (documentary). TVNZ Television set New Zealand, Te Ara: The Encyclopedia of New Zealand. 1975.
  10. ^ a b c Damon Fepulea'I, Rachel Jean, Tarx Morrison (2005). Dawn Raids (documentary). TVNZ, Isola Publications.
  11. ^ Anae 2012, pp. 230–233.
  12. ^ Anae 2012, pp. 234–236.
  13. ^ United Kingdom, Parliamentary Debate, Debates, May 20th 1982.

Sources [edit]

  • Anae, Melanie (2012). "Overstayers, Dawn Raids and the Polynesian Panthers". In Sean, Mallon (ed.). Tangata O Le Moana: New Zealand and the People of the Pacific. Te Papa Press. ISBN978-i-877385-72-viii.
  • Parker, John (2005). Frontier of Dreams: The Story of New Zealand—Into the 21st Century, 1946-2005. Auckland: TVNZ and Scholastic. pp. 28–29, 64–65.
  • Templeton, Hugh (1995). All Honourable Men: Within the Muldoon Cabinet 1975–1984. Auckland: Auckland University Press. ISBNone-86940-128-X.


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